Monday, November 12, 2012

Winter Has Arrived! And I Still Hate Arizona :)

This morning, I woke up to a cold nose.  In the desert, this is a short-lived period of time, so you can imagine my excitement.  Nothing makes me happier than the physical struggle of leaving warm sheets.  Every relationship benefits once that first wave of winter hits and the need to cuddle to keep warm begins.
Unlike Texas, the winters here are dry and crisp.  The cold doesn’t soak in to your skin and linger.  However, it does manage to wreak havoc on the warmth of any house and make sure you are aware it is not warm outside.  I love piling under coats and colorful scarves and brandishing the inevitable pink nose; curling up on the couch with a blanket and drinking anything warm.. and ahhh yes, bring on the bread bowls.
ImageSadly, our house does not have a fireplace – I’d imagine a good potion of homes in Arizona do not offer this general form of comfort.  But the best part of winter?  Going home.  Looking out the window of the plane and watching the awful brown dirt transform in to trees and grass and lakes and forests.  Even the brown, dry winter grass in Texas is better than the greenest grass in Arizona.  The big pecan trees that tower over streets and golf courses and hug the brown, murky lakes that people still swim in during the summer after seven or eight Coors Lights.Gray skies and a teasing sun.  I’m pretty sure most people have grown tired of hearing me make comparisons of Arizona and Texas – two years and I still talk about Texas if someone will give me the floor. I feel it’s my duty to let people know how shitty and awful this state is.
However, today, the bad mood that generally follows these comparisons are having on affect on me whatsoever.  Know why?  ’Cause FUCK YAH WINTER!

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